Jesuit priest Stan Swamy who helped India's poor dies in police custody

Jesuit priest Stan Swamy who helped India's poor dies in police custody


Reverend Stan Swamy devoted his life to helping tribals, low castes and others at the bottom of Indian society. In 2020, the 84-year-old Jesuit priest was jailed without trial under India’s anti-terrorism laws.

He died yesterday in police custody, “nine months after his arrest on false charges of terrorism,” tweeted Mary Lawlor, special rapporteur for Human Rights at the United Nations. The news “is devastating” and jailing human rights defenders “is inexcusable,” she added.

In this video, Rev. Swamy talks about his work.


The Nation Wants to Know is the title of Arnab Goswami’s English language TV talk show in India. He claims he is committed to uncovering the truth, but has so far been silent on Rev. Stan Swamy’s death. Goswami is a strong supporter of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government.

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